
How To Get Earth Necklace Guardian Tales



Greetings Guardians,

Thanks in one case again for your interest in the user conference held a few weeks ago. Though it was held every bit a Korea-exclusive offline effect, the conference was alive-streamed equally well, and we saw the growing interest from our Guardians around the globe. And we wanted to share the development plans and upcoming revisions mentioned during the Q&A session of the user conference with more details added with our aspiring global customs besides.

Please practise note that the dates mentioned beneath are for the Korean server and global release dates may differ.

Development Plans and Revisions

  1. Plans to bolster New Guardian

  • With the March 25th update (set up Apr 5th for global), Beginner Mission rewards were increased and some new missions were added.

  • This trend volition go along and more new Beginner Missions are expected to be added with the April 21st update (expected May 3rd for global) along with certain Game Guides added every bit well. We will continue to support our new guardians.

  1. Guardian Level and Sweep revision

  • We are currently analyzing the Guardian Levels of new players and based on this data, we are planning to apply certain changes regarding the Guardian Level function with the April 21st update (expected May 3rd for global).

  • With this update we look unlock level requirements for Sweep unlocks to exist changed as well. Equally the level requirements will decrease, we volition offer Beginner Missions and more ways to guide new guardians to go more accustomed to the game and fully empathise the gameplay and organization.

  • Besides to allow more active participation of Guardian Base of operations Military camp, with the March 25th update (set April fifth for global) nosotros have increased the Guardian Signal Production Rate. With the April 21st update (expected May 3rd for global), the Guardian Base Camp guide volition be revised.

  1. Plans to support Returning Guardians

  • Nosotros are currently working to launch an in-game Shop and exclusive missions to accomplish for Returning Guardians within May of this yr.

  • Benefits offered to Returning Guardians will exist carefully analyzed every bit non to make the existing guardians feel like losing out. We are currently looking to offer the changes for Returning Guardians who have not logged in inside fourteen days as of March 19th, 2022 (the date of user briefing).

  1. Irresolute the price of Legend Weapons offered via Mileage Shop

  • From Apr 21st update (expected May 3rd for global), Legend weapons will exist sold for 100 Mileage.

  • Legend weapons currently sold will exist removed temporarily from Mileage Shop from April 7th update (expected April 19th for global).

  • Please note that whatever mileage spent on purchasing Legend weapons from the past will not be reimbursed.

  1. Upgrading Multiplayer contents

  • First of all, random matching volition be added to Friendly Match (in Arena) within April, and spectator fashion is currently in development for launch within the first half of this year.

  • The 3 vs iii decease lucifer as suggested during the user conference is also in development for launch within the second half of this year. This is just the start; we are looking to offer various multiplayer contents.

  1. Addition of new modes to Friendly Match in Loonshit

  • Equally noted in the previous answer, random matching, spectator fashion, and 3 vs 3 expiry friction match are currently in development.

  • There are no other new modes exclusive to Friendly Match planned for addition. Instead of working on content exclusive for Friendly Match, we desire to focus on adding new modes to regular contents. Afterwards nosotros will consider calculation new modes sequentially to Friendly Match.

  1. More Heavenhold Special Comics

  • The next Heavenhold Special Comic is expected to be added with the April 21st update (expected May third for global). This comic narrates the story of a new hero and we have put much effort into creating it, then we hope for your interest.

  • In improver the comic series that is currently in publication in Japan server will exist revealed as a 4-frame comic strip in the official community (for Korea; unconfirmed for global at the moment).

  1. Launching Visual Novels

  • The start visual novel is planned to be offered as a collection reward claimable from the new Expedition content. Starting with this, we take plans to offering more outlets for Visual Novels to be claimed within the game..

  1. Rare hero balancing and rare hero evolution

  • With the March 25th update (prepare April fifth for global), we added the 2d Legend weapon for the Knight and practical rare hero balancing.

  • A new arrangement which allows rare heroes to be evolved into unique heroes is planned for the second one-half of this year. Likewise Hero Development, we will continue to monitor and offering hero balances to ii-star heroes.\

  1. Season Achievements and fame rewards

  • In the second half of this yr, we are planning to offer Season Achievement rewards which will only exist claimable for missions cleared and seasonal achievements completed during a certain period of time. Season Achievement rewards will consist of limited costumes, frames, emojis, and fame-related rewards which practise not boost hero statistics.

  1. Expedition content

  • The new Trek content as appear during Direction Sangwon Kim's presentation is geared for launch in May.

  1. Boosting Development Stones

  • We are planning to showcase this forth with the Expedition content launch.

  1. Heavenhold Farm

  • Heavenhold Farm is also currently geared for launch in May. However, as we have a lot of content planned for May, we are planning to update the production functions of the Heavenhold Farm first, and so add together decorating and other activities sequentially.

  1. Heavenhold Themes

  • We believe the new decorating functions offered with Heavenhold Farm will offer alternatives to Heavenhold theme changes. After offering this new decorating content, nosotros volition continue to monitor your feedback.

  1. Social functions

  • A new Friend Arrangement that can be utilized during Friendly Match (in Arena) or Co-op is planned to exist introduced in the second half of the year.

  1. Artifacts more suitable to Hero types during Co-op (Defense Fashion)

  • With the March 25th update (set Apr fifth for global), revisions were made to the options and appearance rate of depression-class and mid-course Artifacts then that artifacts that do not match your electric current hero type will appear less.

  1. Kama-ZONE and Bottle Cap Shop improvements

  • Within the commencement half of this year, we are planning to change the circular duration of Kama-ZONE rounds from three days to 1 week.

  • We have establish that offering beyond x2 fast forwards options could crusade bug during testing so nosotros will not be offering a college speed option. We repent for not being able to provide this.

  • We are also looking from many unlike perspectives to relieve the fatigue that can build up from Kama-ZONE and whatsoever updates to come up will be shared via futurity patch notes.

  • Currently there are a generous amount of Bottle Caps obtainable from Kama-ZONE fifty-fifty if you lot practice non complete the stages thoroughly, allowing you to obtain enough Enkindling Stones when exchanging. As there are many Canteen Caps leftover due to this however, we have added highly-priced costumes to the Bottle Store. Please take these costumes not as a necessity but as an additional bonus you may eventually obtain if you accept enough Bottle Caps saved upwards even afterwards acquiring all the awakening stones you lot need.

  • We believe offering additional costumes or newly exchangeable items to the Bottle Cap Shop without having relieved the initial problem of fatigue being built upwardly from Kama-ZONE will only add onto it. Afterwards we make the necessary improvements to convalesce this, and after nosotros accept plenty purchase data showing that the highly-priced costumes have been exchanged with the Bottle Caps, we will add together more items.

  1. New Guild Raid bosses

  • New bosses that accept not fabricated an appearance in Society Raids before will be added respectively. Starting with this, new bosses will be added to PvE contents gradually besides. Currently we are working on bosses exclusive to new contents first, so we believe we can progress with new club bosses from July on.

  1. Do mode added to Guild Raids

  • Nosotros are planning to add practise fashion that tin can be entered during off-seasons of Guild Raids some time in the Q2 or Q3.

  • To offer diverse means for testing for diverse environments, options to set HP of Lodge Raid bosses to 50% over and under will be offered.

  1. Revisions and Quality of Life changes to Guild Raids

  • To reduce the issues from the concluding striking of bosses and dominate avoiding issues in the beginning of battle, we are preparing an option to deport over the remaining fourth dimension for defeating a boss to the next battle if you lot defeat a dominate with your party early. This will be offered once per party.

  • Additionally we take establish that some guilds are manually recording damages inflicted to the bosses separately to measure each guild member's contribution. To resolve this inconvenience, we will offer a 'guild raid sheet' where you will be able to bank check the participation and damage records and we are planning to launch this within Q3.

  • Ranking board podiums visually represent Ranking in Gild and General Ranking based  on contribution and fame in the Guild Conquest volition besides exist added to Order Raids. This is also expected to exist added within Q3.

  1.  Weighted value added to impairment dealt during Guild Raids and reducing the Social club Raid duration

  • There are no plans to add weighted value to damages dealt in Guild Raids  or reduce the Guild Raid duration.

  • Setting Lodge Raid damage weighted value (giving high impairment records to well-nigh avoided bosses) volition create a gap between what the developers should set as the weighted value and what the players believe information technology to be. If the players run a separate sheet to record damages over again, this organization should non be offered in the beginning place.

  • Guild Raid rewards are set for a duration of 14 days currently. As Gild Raids are regular, periodic content offered in-game, reducing the Society Raid duration and keeping the rewards constant could damage the game economic system and this is something we cannot progress with. Reducing the duration of the Guild Raid would mean reducing the rewards offered; and keeping the current period and rewards the same may be something received differently by players. Instead of changing the duration, nosotros are focusing on improving Guild Raids as a whole by reducing inconvenience and gameplay fatigue.

  1. Quality of Life changes to Guild Conquest matches

  • With the May fifth update (expected May 17th for global), we are planning to present the newly-improved Social club Conquest.

  • Overall difficulty will be considerably lowered, normal nodes will become normal battles, and special nodes will become dominate battles. With this change we plan on reducing the cases that ascend of yous existence unable to fight a dominate that fits your hero type that appears midway through the nodes. We expect guild members of lower specifications will too be able to take a strategic office in the higher-level areas of the conquest.

  • In improver QoL changes similar recon ticket display function, pop-upward notification to preclude simultaneous participation among guild members, a claim-all button for rewards, and improved impact entry volition exist added, so gradual improvements will be offered.

  1. Expansion of Tower

  • Expansions are planned focusing around Heavenhold Tower first and we plan on explaining Heavenhold Tower to 100 stages. Expansion on Belfry of Horizon will follow.

  1. Option to surrender during Arena and Colosseum

  • Option to allow give up during Arena and Colosseum is still in give-and-take equally of at present. We inquire for your deep agreement and patience as we cannot disembalm any details at present. We will share more than details one time confirmed with a future annunciation.

  1. Do manner added to Colosseum

  • The development team believes that it is a fun cistron for an Attack Party and the Defense Party to get up against each other in an auto battle when both sides do non know who will accept the reward given the limited attack opportunities in the Colosseum.

  • We believe adding a  practice mode or a friendly match to Colosseum will gradually fade out the meaning of a Defense force Party every bit the top rankers in Colosseum can piece of work with a wide puddle of heroes. If the chance for a successful defense goes sharply down and chance for successful assail increases, only the specifications of heroes and luck will decide on the winner instead of diverse hero party combinations. This does non match our original intentions and may ruin the fun in Colosseum, then we have decided not to provide do mode to Colosseum.

  1. Assuasive previous records to exist visible in Colosseum

  • This is yet under discussion. Hiding the Attack Party and Defense Party will resolve the issue of your strategy existence exposed. We are aware that this was suggested past the Guardians to forbid abuses. But allowing you lot to look at previous boxing records will not directly preclude abuses and merely promote discord among Guardians without having the intended purposes achieved. Therefore, we believe in that location needs to be a more than direct method to resolve the issue as nosotros did with limiting attack counts allowed with the same opponent. However as these direct improvements can impact gameplay and strategy, nosotros are carefully reviewing in the direction that volition bring about the least problems. One time nosotros have decided on a direction, we volition share more with a future announcement.

  1. Presets added to Loonshit and Colosseum

  • Colosseum presets are being prepared for addition in May. Loonshit presets are currently difficult to prepare, but in order to make up for this we are planning to aggrandize the Equipment Presets allowed some time in Apr or May.

  1. Necktie games added to Arena

  • To foreclose any corruption, both sides taking role in the Loonshit exercise non receive scores in the event of a depict.

  • Even if your opponent is not your lodge member, players going into battle where both players will not be making whatever moves and just proceeds upwardly on records is definitely non the fashion nosotros want the players to enjoy this content. There are many cases where ties can occur which means information technology'south equally easy to intentionally create tie games. As we see abuses arising from this we will leave the current organization every bit is.

  1. Take a chance to try out unique heroes

  • A new function to endeavour out Pickup Heroes will be offered within the first half of the year.

  1. Social club versus Guild contents

  • If a GvG content is added, information technology will apply pressure to the players to heighten heroes geared for PvP upon joining a order when they are already expected to raise heroes suitable for Guild Raids. Nosotros do not promise guilds to be a identify of demands and force per unit area applied, so nosotros do not have plans to develop GvG content.

  1. New Earth Exploration stages, new Merch, and diversifying strategy

  • New World Exploration stages and new Merch are expected to be added after May.

  • We are as well looking into diversifying constructive strategies to tackle the stages. In addition to adding new stages, we will work on the previous stages for y'all to try different ways to trounce the content.

  1. Non mainstream Merch balancing and reducing the gap amongst different Merch

  • Within May, we program on improving Merch that is not currently used much. We volition continue to make adjustments through upshot rewards or beginner missions to maintain an appropriate level of distance between paying users and non-paying users too as new players and returning players.

  1. New Co-op way

  • Co-op Mode (Defense Mode) and new Co-op contents are constantly in research. However adding new modes to Co-op may mean extending the intervals or rotations of co-op modes coming around so nosotros are planning to launch this as a divide content. Every bit nada is ready in stone, delight understand that we cannot provide much details with this proclamation and we will reveal more details with futurity announcements.

  1. Lowering difficulty of Co-op, calculation difficult way to Co-op

  • We are aware that moderate levels of difficulty can lead to fun. But we are wary of excessively increasing difficulty levels for harcore players as this can lead to reducing overall advantage supply and demand. We continuously check the clear rates so that appropropriate levels of difficulty can be set.

  • Also as for hardcore modes, there are diverse opinions on information technology internally equally well so we are reviewing in various perspectives. Currently we are discussing it to be connected with the Flavour Achievements but we cannot requite a definite answer on this at the moment. We will disembalm more details when we denote Season Achievements later on.

  1. Revisions to Mirror accessories and option change function

  • We are planning to slightly increase the stats of element-type mirror accessories and adjust the difficulty of option changes with April 21st maintenance (expected May 3rd for global).

  • However, although it can be obtained nigh definitely, the difficulty of option changes will exist increased very slightly every bit to consider the original intentions of option changes beingness difficult for mirror accessories and for the fairness with those who accept already made the pick changes.

  1. Extracting Mirror accessories

  • We accept reviewed a organization that will allow extracting mirror accessories to obtain Mirror Shards. We are currently issuing mirror accessories via Bingo events to alleviate the barrier entry of New Guardians, just the items similar Captain's Mirror Shield and Martyr Mirror Necklace are intended to motivate you to collect Mirror Shards through Mirror Rift play. Then there are no plans to let extraction of Mirror Shards at the moment.

  1. Earth Necklace balance and new accessories

  • Fable accompaniment similar to Globe Necklace is planned for launch inside May. However, it volition be balanced to provide different stats compared to Earth Necklace.

  • For new loftier-level accessories, how to utilize them and where they tin be obtained needs to be considered and, we volition share more than details once confirmed with a futurity declaration.

  1. Lowering the difficulty on the 57th floor of Heavenhold Tower.

  • The difficulty volition be lowered with Apr 7th maintenance (expected April 19th for global).

  • Range of impairment that tin can be inflicted on monsters will increment slightly and the number of monsters volition decrease as well. Also movement speed of some monsters will be reduced so that your progress to subsequently the monsters will not be affected even if you make small mistakes.

  1. Visibility improvements to monsters' laser skill sand ranged skill explosion furnishings

  • User Interface will exist improved within the first one-half of the year to allow y'all to check the signal-of-set on and range of wide-ranged attacks from laser towers and bosses that extend outside of the screen while the attacks are cast.

  1. Assist and game organization guide improvements

  • Some improvements will be made along with Beginner Mission upgrades with the Apr 21st update (expected May third for global).

  • Nosotros are contemplating in various ways for our guardians to learn the arrangement naturally without being forced to practice so, and nosotros'll go along to make improvements. Equally the players take shared in the user conference, we are also looking into using external methods to assist with this.

  1. Damage Reduction choice change

  • Harm Reduction options will be all inverse to a different choice for all hero awakenings within the get-go half of this twelvemonth.

  1. Burn-type hero balancing

  • A new fire-type hero that can exist utilized well in Guild Raids is set for launch some time in May. Also new hero launches, we volition continue to employ graphic symbol remainder changes to allow diverse apply of element types in each content provided in the game.

  1. Return of Slayers Next Collaboration

  • The collaboration will render for two weeks nigh the finish of the twelvemonth. Lina Inverse and Xellos will be available as choice-up heroes and Gourry Gabrieve and his exclusive weapon will as well appear in an event. The Short Stories will also be available in this same menstruum.

  1. Collaboration hero and other hero balancing

  • Additional balances to change collaboration heroes is difficult due to contractual issues. We are aware that Xellos is i of the more hard heroes to utilize, so nosotros will try to discuss giving him additional balance changes. However making boosted balance changes to heroes that are currently unobtainable is problematic, and at that place are no plans to make full general hero balancing unless it is something practical commonly to all heroes of Guardian Tales.

  • As for Lina, this hero outperformed in the Colosseum beyond what the development team has expected. We are aware that the Colosseum meta has been changed with Lina and we will rebalance existing heroes and introduce new heroes as adjustment methods.

  • In addition, the evolution team is enlightened that the popular Colosseum party may have inverse with the release of Lina, and we will go along to rebalance existing heroes and introduce new heroes to keep the right residue amid heroes.

  1. New Team Combination skill

  • Equally for Team Combination Skills, and as we have mentioned in the user conference, Director Sangwon Kim puts post-its on his ain monitor to put this first and foremost. This is definitely a topic of much contemplation for us, and we volition share more than details once confirmed with a future announcement.

*Managing director Sanwon Kim's monitor


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