
Adult Chain Of Survival Cpr

What is the Chain of Survival?

The Chain of Survival refers to a series of actions that rescuers (bystanders or paramedics) need to take to improve the likelihood of survival following a cardiac arrest. Knowing and agreement the six cardinal "links" in the concatenation can greatly reduce mortality rates.

Sudden Cardiac arrest is an electric malfunction in the heart that causes an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) and disrupts the flow of claret to the encephalon, lungs and other organs. It is a leading cause of death. Each year, more than 350,000 out-of-infirmary cardiac arrests occur in the United States according to the American Heart Clan. When a person has a cardiac arrest, survival depends on immediately getting CPR from someone nearby. Almost 90 percentage of people who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrests dice. CPR, especially if performed in the outset few minutes of cardiac arrest, can double or triple a person's risk of survival.

The 6 links in the developed out-of-infirmary Chain of Survival are:

  • Recognition  of Cardiac Abort and Activation of the Emergency Response System
  • Immediate High-Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Rapid Defibrillation
  • Basic and Advanced Emergency Medical Services
  • Advanced Life Support and Mail-Cardiac Abort Intendance
  • Recovery

Recognition of Cardiac Arrest and Activation of EMS

The first step is so critical. Information technology actually puts the wheels in motion toward giving the victim access to the best care.

  • Recognize the emergency and decide to act
  • Call nine-i-1, activate the on-site emergency response system and send someone to recollect the nearest AED (Automated External Defibrillator) If the rescuer is alone, he or she should retrieve the AED immediately.

Immediate High-Quality CPR

Starting Loftier-Quality CPR immediately re-introduces life-giving oxygenated claret-menstruation to the vital organs, especially the centre and brain.  Loftier-Quality CPR can allow the heart to be in much amend condition for a defibrillation stupor than if CPR is not performed.

  • Outset CPR Immediately
  • If you do not know how to perform CPR, a 911 operator volition talk you through the procedure. If you are not trained in CPR, use easily-only CPR by pushing difficult and fast on the heart of the breast at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute

Rapid Defibrillation

  • As shortly every bit an AED becomes bachelor, the rescuer should identify the device next to the victim. Simply turn it on and follow the visual and sound prompts. He or she should then attach the electrode pads to the victim's bare chest every bit shown in the diagram on the pads
  • If a daze is advised, stand clear and brand sure no one is in contact with the patient.

Basic and Advanced Emergency Medical Service

  • Refers to the rapid response of highly trained and equipped Ems personnel who can respond to the patient, administrate medications, and offering avant-garde interventions equally needed. This link is reliant on the very first link in the chain: early recognition and telephone call for emergency assistance.

Advanced Life Back up and Mail service-Cardiac Arrest Intendance

  • Refers to comprehensive care by medical professionals


  • Includes additional handling, observation, rehabilitation, and psychological back up

grey chain links connecting the 6 links in the chain of survival.

If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about AEDs or CPR training delight reach out to us or call 800-695-1209.

 Written by Blaire

Written past Blaire Czarniecki
Client Service Director

Fact checked by Phillip Woods, BA, NREMT-P, FP-C

Blaire attended the University of Tennessee where she graduated with a Available of Scientific discipline in Human Ecology- Child and Family Studies. She has been in the Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) industry for over viii years and is the Director of Customer Service for Coro Medical. Blaire is also an American Cherry Cross-certified CPR/AED/Outset Aid Instructor, highly trained by each manufacturer on their specific AEDs, and knowledgeable regarding ALL State AED regulations and legislation.

"I know that every day I come to work, I am playing a part in saving someone's life. I am passionate about these devices and am always looking for new and innovative ways to spread sensation and knowledge about Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). I await forward to the day when everywhere I go, I volition see an AED—when SCA volition no longer take whatsoever lives."

Terminal updated August 19, 2021 – Added sixth link in the Chain of Survival per 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR & ECC

Adult Chain Of Survival Cpr,


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